Welcome to my book reviews

 About Me

My name is Alexia Midgett, and I am a senior at UNCP. I am twenty-one years old and major in English in professional writing and minor in public relations. I have a deep interest in books and have read many books over my life, from personal interest to class requirements. I decided to talk about the books I have read, the few I have discontinued, and some I plan to read. The books will be in various genres, so there will not be a certain theme for the books I post on the blog. I hope you enjoy my reviews as I post over time. 


  1. I've always been interested in books as kid, but as I got older I slowly stopped and been wanting to get back into reading.

  2. I also was a huge reader as a kid but I think being forced to read boring literature in high school english classes killed my desire to read for fun, particularly fiction. Very excited to see what kind of books you recommend!

  3. I love reading as well and I have a goal to read 15 books this year so hopefully I get inspired from your blog and find a new book I want to read next.

  4. I can't wait to see your reviews! I've been trying to get into reading, but I can never find books that interest me.

  5. Hello Alexia, your status and reading-based interests let me know how much your book reviews matter to you. Overall, as an occasional book reader myself, this blog probably has my favorite topic so far.

  6. Hi Alexia, I love to see another reader recommending books.  Since few of my friends are readers, I'm thrilled to see your suggestions that I can put on my reading list.


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